Major Step Forward for the Chesapeake National Recreation Area

National Parks Subcommittee of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee (ENR) Holds Hearing 在 CNRA Bill

华盛顿, DC -今日, the National Parks Subcommittee of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee (ENR) held a hearing 切萨皮克国家游乐区法案 (CNRA) (S. 2620),由 参议员克里斯·范·霍伦. 共同发起人包括参议员本·卡丁(马里兰州民主党人).马克·华纳(Mark Warner)(弗吉尼亚州民主党人).)和蒂姆·凯恩(弗吉尼亚州民主党人).). 

十大赌博正规老平台 Executive Vice 总统 of External Affairs Mark Conway, 国家公园保护协会 Mid-Atlantic Region Senior Program Director Pamela Goddard and 十大赌博正规老平台 总统 and 首席执行官乔尔·邓恩 celebrate a major step forward for the Chesapeake National Recreation Area at the May 15, 2024 hearing of the National Parks Subcommittee of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee (ENR). 马克·康威摄

2023年7月,共和党众议员. John Sarbanes (D–MD) introduced bipartisan companion legislation in the U.S. 众议院.R. 5045). 联合赞助者包括.S. 弗吉尼亚州民主党众议员唐·拜尔(Don Beyer).)、格里·康诺利(Gerry Connolly)(弗吉尼亚州民主党人).)、斯坦尼·霍耶(马里兰州民主党人).)、格伦·艾维(马里兰州民主党人).)、詹妮弗·基根斯(R-Va).)、弗吉尼亚州民主党众议员詹妮弗·麦克莱伦(Jennifer McClellan).), Kweisi Mfume (D-Md.马库斯·莫利纳罗(Marcus Molinaro).),乔·内格斯(民主党).)、埃莉诺·霍姆斯·诺顿(民主党人).C.)、杰米·拉斯金(马里兰州民主党人).)、Dutch Ruppersberger(马里兰州民主党).)、玛丽·斯坎伦(宾夕法尼亚州民主党人).)、博比·斯科特(弗吉尼亚州民主党人).戴维·特隆(David Trone,马里兰州民主党人).詹妮弗·韦克斯顿(Jennifer Wexton)(弗吉尼亚州民主党人).)和罗布·惠特曼(Rob Wittman)(弗吉尼亚州共和党人).).

如果通过成为法律, the CNRA would create a network of landmarks along the Chesapeake Bay and unite new and existing National Park Service (NPS) sites and trails, 还有合作公园. The key goals of this initiative are to increase sustainable public access to the Bay so a more diverse range of visitors can enjoy it; preserve its natural ecosystems, tell the untold stories of Indigenous peoples, free and enslaved Blacks and others with historical connections to the Bay. 

A 2022年7月的民意调查 showed profound support for the Chesapeake National Recreation Area, 马里兰州的83%, 弗吉尼亚和华盛顿, DC respondents in favor of establishing the CNRA. A Congressional working group was formed in June 2022, 立法草案于2022年11月共享. 公众提交了数百条意见.

的代表 United4CNRA, a coalition of organizations and people advocating CNRA, issued the following statements thanking Senator Van Hollen and the National Parks Subcommittee for this significant step to establish the CNRA:

对我们许多人来说,切萨皮克湾就是家. 没有一个地方比得上它. Creating the Chesapeake National Recreation Area would expand opportunities for visitors to learn about our nation’s untold stories and rich maritime history. A new national park site will improve access and provide more places to fish, paddle and recreate while protecting our natural environment. More people will be able to explore this vast resource and when they do, 他们会对周边社区进行投资. We’re grateful to Senator Van Hollen for his leadership and ongoing support and look forward to our continued work together to make this park a reality.” 国家公园保护协会 (NPCA)总统 & 首席执行官特蕾莎·皮耶诺

“感谢森。. 范霍伦的领导, 今天是切萨皮克湾的好日子, with another step forward in the four-decade effort to establish National Park Service recognition for the nation’s largest estuary. The Chesapeake Bay is as spectacular as Yellowstone or Yosemite, as great as the Great Smokies and as grand as the Grand Tetons. Establishing the Chesapeake National Recreation Area expands resources for environmental protection and makes it clear that the United States cherishes the Chesapeake, 美国身份的发源地. 作为给子孙后代的伟大礼物, this legislation ensures public access to our nation’s largest estuary while providing for the needs of those who live here and depend 在 bay for their livelihood.” – 十大赌博正规老平台 总统 & 首席执行官乔尔·邓恩

United4CNRA联盟成员 表达了他们的支持 CNRA. 抽样:

“拉丁美洲人在户外 wholeheartedly endorses 参议员克里斯·范·霍伦 and Congressman John Sarbanes’ vision for the Chesapeake National Recreation Area.  It is a vision that has been thoughtfully crafted by a broad range of stakeholders, it centers the protection of diverse landscapes, 增加多样化的公共通道, 以及对文化多样性的庆祝.  我们赞扬范霍伦参议员的努力, 国会议员法案, 以及整个CNRA工作小组.  We see their actions as an affirmation of the importance of diversity, 不是为了多样性, but rather for its potential to be a catalyst for a thriving and sustainable regional economy, 社区, 娱乐资产.” – 拉丁美洲人在户外 执行董事路易斯·维拉

To begin to understand the deep connection between Indigenous people and the Chesapeake Bay, 人们不需要看得很远. The very word Chesapeake is derived from the Algonquian word, Chesapiooc. For 10,000 years, Chesapeake Tribes have been sustained physically and spiritually by the Chesapeake. 尽管如此, Tribes have been too often left out of the stewardship movement and our stories are undertold. The Chesapeake National Recreation Area will be a significant step toward correcting this wrong.”   – 奇卡霍米尼印第安部落 斯蒂芬·阿德金斯校长

“The National Park Service serves as one of our nation’s foremost storytellers and steward of our rich and diverse natural and cultural heritage. The Chesapeake National Recreation Area would allow all of the American people and our international visitors to learn about our country’s history and how the Chesapeake Bay has been the landscape of Indigenous history, 欧洲的探索, 殖民主义, 独立, 奴隶制与自由.” – former National Park Service Director “Bob” Robert Stanton (retired)

